Darling, do you still love me as much you did?

“When a man loves a woman, he can’t keep his mind on nothing else.” (Percy Sledge)

Last night I met one of my friends after 6-7 years. Actually I was not it touch with her because of her attitude and rude behavior, we did our schooling together and were a good and close friend till college time. She was in love with a guy and that guy was by one the best friend of mine since childhood. Later on I turned in to business and my social life almost ruined because of hectic schedule in work and meeting. I stopped taking phone calls, replying mail and meeting friends and family members. When my crucial time started, as I fallen in love with a girl and we got separated I started feeling very lonely and loneliness was killing me day by day. I started finding my college mates and other friends.

Last evening I received a call from her and she wanted to meet me at a restaurant and that restaurant was nearby my home so I accepted her invitation to meet her. Later on she requested me to come bit early as she wanted to chat something personally I called her at home and said my parents are here if you have time then meet them they will be happy to see you after long time. After meeting my parents and basic formality of gesturing we started for dinner place. While I was driving for the destination she told me that her boyfriend always asks a stupid question, Do You Still Love Me as Much as You Did, Darling?  I laughed and inquired her what if she wants to move on wanted to leave him? But she denied all my suspects and said she is happy with him but such kind of question is ruing relationship between them.

People often talk about the intensity of their emotions: they tell us that their anger is overwhelming, that they feel extremely sad, or that they are madly in love. Despite this common usage, the concept of “emotional intensity” is complex, since it applies to different phenomena, not all of which are commensurable.

The diverse features of emotional passion are expressed in two basic aspects: magnitude (peak intensity) and temporal structure (mainly, duration). Duration can vary dramatically with comparable levels of peak intensity. In one study, participants rated the positive emotion associated with having “someone you find attractive suggest you meet for coffee” as almost as high as the emotion experienced after “saving your neighbour’s child from a car accident.” However, the average estimated duration associated with the former was twenty minutes, whereas for the latter it was more than five hours. Similarly, respondents estimated that they would stop ruminating about the coffee suggestion after about two hours, whereas the experience of the car accident would lead to rumination for about a week.

Ordinary people often measure emotional intensity. We measure the intensity of the same emotion experienced at different times and directed at two different people (“I love you more than I have loved any other woman before”), or the same emotion that other people have felt at different times (“You used to love me more than you do now”). We may also compare the intensity of different emotions in the same person (“Because of my great love for you, I manage to control my anger”) or the same emotion in different people (“This person loves his wife more than she loves him”).

Measuring emotional intensity is done by comparison with similar states and by finding certain features whose changes are typically correlated with intensity changes of the whole state. Instability, the felt intensity, and types of behavior may be such features. Thus, reference to the feeling dimension is important in measuring the intensity of our own emotions, but not that of others. In the latter case, behavioral manifestations are more important.

Emotional intensity is determined by several variables that may be divided into two major groups, one referring to the perceived impact of the event eliciting the emotional state and the other to background circumstances of the agents involved in the emotional state. The major variables constituting the event’s impact are the strength, reality, and relevance of the event; the major variables constituting the background circumstances are accountability, readiness, and deservingness.

The event’s strength is a major variable in determining the intensity of the emotional encounter. It refers, for example, to the extent of our perception of our beloved’s attractiveness and virtues and in the case of envy, to our perceived inferiority. A positive correlation usually exists between the strength of the perceived event and emotional intensity: the stronger the event, the more intense the emotion; thus the more attractive the beloved, the stronger the love.

The more we perceive the event as real, the more intense the emotion. The notion of “emotional reality” has an ontological sense referring to whether the event actually exists, and an epistemological sense, referring to its vividness. Emotional intensity is greatest when an event is real in both senses. The ontological sense is more important in love than in sexual desire, since love involves a more profound relationship. People can be sexually attracted to their partners while fantasizing about someone else; people cannot really love their partners while constantly fantasizing about others. Accordingly, vividness is more significant in sexual desire.

The variable of relevance restricts the emotional impact to areas that are particularly significant for our well-being. Although love involves the care for the beloved, love cannot fully be separated from considerations of our own well-being. The reciprocal nature of romantic love indicates the importance of this variable to love. In sexual desire, the well-being of the object is of lesser importance, and the relevance for our own good feeling and particularly for our self-esteem is very crucial.

Responsibility (or accountability) refers to the nature of the agency generating the emotional encounter. Major issues relevant here are: (a) degree of controllability, (b) invested effort, and (c) intent. The greater the degree of controllability there was, the more effort we invested, and the more intended the result was, the more significant the event usually is and the greater the emotional intensity it generates. Thus, frustration is intensified if we attribute a failure to ourselves and if we have invested a lot of effort in trying to succeed.

Our past control over events that have generated love and sexual desire are typically insignificant, since these emotions focus on the present situation, and retrospective considerations are of less relevance. Our effort has some role in generating love and sexual desire. If a person seems unattainable these emotions are stronger. Accordingly, “playing hard to get” is a most effective strategy for attracting a partner.

Readiness refers to the cognitive change in our mind; major factors in this regard are unexpectedness (or anticipation) and uncertainty. Since emotions are generated at the time of sudden change, unexpectedness is typical of emotions and is usually positively correlated with their intensity, at least up to a certain point.

The variables of readiness are more important in sexual desire than in love. Indeed, mystery is more significant in sexual desire. Nevertheless, unexpectedness and uncertainty do play some role in long-term romantic love. Their role is to help us realize that despite the close relation with the beloved, this person is not part of our furniture; the beloved is an independent agent who cannot be taken for granted.

The perceived deservingness (fairness) of our situation or that of others is of great importance in determining the emotional significance of a certain event. The variable of deservingness also plays an important role in love and sexual desire. When people think that their partner does not deserve them, their love and sexual desire will be reduced, and they are likely to look for extramarital affairs.

To sum up, even though it may seem impossible to measure emotional intensity, in practice we often do this in everyday life. Your feeling that your beloved loves you less now than she did a year ago can be substantiated-often without too much difficulty.

Special Thanks to psychology today’s editorial team for helping me in this.

Truth and Lies….My Personal Experience

Raghubar Jha

My best friend left me alone and parted her ways because she found me lying. Today through this post I would like to tell her that she misunderstood me. It was painful that she left me at that time when I was needed her the most, but it was scripted by the almighty and thanked god by everything. As a human being we are trained to lie. Lying is a major part of survival. To be willing to tell the truth is to risk losing everything. Whether in love or business, some time we lose everything because of telling truth. When you have made a choice to be committed to the truth, then the truth is a ruthless master. That commitment will expose every aspect of hiding and every justification of that hiding.In the commitment to the discovery of the complete truth, there has to be a ruthless examination as to where we lie. What has to be faced is what you think the truth of yourself is, and how you have lied to yourself to cover it up. In discovering what it is we are denying, there can be a space – a space that is the conduit for discovering the deepest truth. First you have to tell the truth about what is truly wanted. What do you really want? Freedom and enlightenment? Really? Tell the truth. If you get freedom or enlightenment, what will that give you?

Perhaps the answer is, “It will give me respect, or lovability, or fame, or eternal happiness, or power, or relief from the suffering of the world.” In telling the truth you can discover what is actually wanted. You discover what you want enlightenment to supply you with. It is often not a pretty truth, but it is necessary to reveal it to you. That is not the end. There is more. If you are willing to tell the truth about what fame, or lovability, or power will give you, you get to the desire underneath that: It may be something like, “Everybody will love me,” or “People will finally see who I am and give me what I want.” And if you tell the truth about what that will give you, then you start to get close to what the essential yearning really is.

Are you willing to tell the truth all the way down to the depths? Are you willing to lay bare what it is your life is really about, where your attention really is in the name of enlightenment or peace? Are you willing to be humbled by seeing the mechanism that is really running underneath prayers for enlightenment and peace? This is the opportunity to meet the abyss; the huge hole that most avoid throughout life, the intimation that really you are worse than worthless, that you are nothing at all. If you are sincere in your intention to really know the truth, and if you are willing for that knowing of the truth to give you nothing but itself – no fame, no recognition, no happiness, no release, no universal love – if you want the truth that badly, then you are willing to fall into the abyss; to meet the abyss with your full attention; to meet the truth that you are nothing. The invitation is to just drop through all the lies. Drop your consciousness through them. Feel the burn, the pain, the ache, the horror, the delusion, the lie and the temptation to cheat with more soothing lies. “My God, I’m worse than all of that…worse than nothingness.” And there is the secret, the great revelation. Meeting the abyss is the full circle. It is coming home, coming back to yourself. The extraordinary report that everyone who has met that abyss brings back to you is that the nothingness you are is awake, alive consciousness. Awake, alive consciousness, and in love. Nothingness is everything you have been looking for in defining yourself as somebody worth something, or somebody worthless. Everything you have been seeking is right here in the depth of your being, under all the lies. It is what has been both sought and fled from all along! It is the simplicity and purity of who you are, here now and always.

Don’t let anybody spoil your life..

There is an old saying which goes like this “A relationship of couple (boyfriend and girlfriend, Husband and Wife) is very delicate and sensitive so it must be cemented with trust with the passage of time”- Raghubar Jha. We live in an era where nobody wants to give time to strengthen any relationship since life is moving so fast that people have become so much self-centric and they don’t have time to care for others feelings. Today’s youth have become so much impatient and they want to achieve everything in a very short span of time and somewhere amidst aspirations they forget their past and the motto’s of living life.

After seeing life and facing lot of ups and downs till now, I feel that life is simply an examination to be cleared. You are either a “failure” or “success” in life at the end. Success not only in terms of your status, education, money, position but also in terms of you strongly coming out of your bad phases, dealing nitty gritty things with grace, your fighting spirit, your genuine relations maintained, memories, your impressions, your values & faith, your teachings and your nature.

Life is not a piece of cake, as we all know. As there are happy moments, there are bad moments too. Everybody enjoys happy moments. The problem is when bad phase hits our door, expected or unexpectedly. It hurts, we feel like crying and we feel so sad and depressed and angry. It’s out of our control to manage this sadness and we feel helpless & worthless (sometimes). Attitude of revenge and hatred lingers in some cases. Many a times, our families are with us to console but still it’s difficult to find peace in it and we continue to suffer in our own shell. We suffer for months together and we see that we are suffering since years now. And you realise when you start seeing physical repercussions because of that.

Why we are unable to get over a bad phase in life. Why we are not letting it go? Is it worth it, breaking your head and health? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we would have got over it, a lit’ sooner? How?

A day when my partner left me alone for a silly reason and didn’t come back even after convincing her, I was feeling like broken and that affected my business like anything. My highly paid client sent me termination letter, all new prospective clients told us to wait for long, my old association with friends got over, now new business was coming up and none of our client was ready for renewing our contracts. As I have stated in my few old posts that I am staying since last 12 years in a rented flat in Delhi and I found none to share my feelings. Later on I felt that No one is virgin, life fucks all ……!!!

It’s important to give appropriate importance to that sad moment. It’s well and fine that you have cried, are sad. Why continue it for too long? Why give reasons to yourself saying you can’t help it and not come out the shell. On the contrary, no one but you yourself can help yourself. You got to be a lit’ selfish here. To get over it you need to make conscious effort to think different.

What if you think, you are making yourself suffer for some person who might be sleeping in peace at that time. What if you think, OK i will leave it God! I forgive him/her for all the pains and sufferings i have gone through, because oh Almighty God you have forgiven me so many times and embraced me with love when i literally don’t deserve it. It’s your attitude and moral values which come to your rescue. What if you think, There are so many unfortunate people around, life is so unstable anyways, why i make this sad moment of my life a big thing? Why not focus on something different and creative?

When will you be able to think like that? When you are well aware of what’s going on in the world and gain spiritual maturity. I believe, it all depends on your thinking. A little change in thinking would ease your ways to tackle such situations. If you do not handle your sad moments correctly, you obviously tend to get more of them and you will fill yourself with all the negatives, hatred and depressing thoughts, which will not let you live peacefully either.

Most of the times, your own people tend to make you suffer a lot, which kills you if you don’t have the right attitude. Right attitude is to assume that no person in this world is bad and accept as he or she is.

Forgiveness, tolerance, patience and power to let go are your assets while dealing with closed ones. No two individuals are same. They have different thought process, different views, different backgrounds and different attitudes. The challenge is to able to deal with everyone with compassion and grace for that matter even with your enemies. One should be quick to forgive and embrace, is a lesson to learn.

To conclude, its important to get out of bad phase “so called SHELL” at any cost or you will lose your life. I have seen lot of beautiful lives into depression. This is small piece out of some of my experiences which might help someone who is in need…

Marriage :- Love or Arranged

Marriage, itself is a big trauma. In India there is no greater event in a family than a wedding, dramatically evoking every possible social obligation, kinship bond, traditional value, impassioned sentiment, and economic resource. In the arranging and conducting of weddings, the complex permutations of Indian social systems best display themselves. Writing about marriages is always very tough for me. A meeting with my friend for finding a divorce lawyer made me think to write about ‘Love marriage or Arranged marriage’. Before I begin I need to tell you, I am single and am not thinking about marriage until I reach my set destination. This being the situation it will be totally unsuitable and vain if I censure or even say something about both love and arranged marriages. I may be able to say few goods and flaws of both type of marriages based on others experience –mainly my relatives and friends- but instead of that I wish to share the four fundamental principles of married life I understood from them, they are Interconnect, Understand, Adjust and on the top Trust.

The principles are simple and everyone seems well aware of its importance, then why the number of divorces keeps on increasing day by day in our country. I must tell you a family lawyer of High Court, Delhi told me in this city only the no of cases filled on daily basis is near 800.  It’s a matter of great concern and one of the main reasons behind this is pre-marriage expectations about the life partner’s behavior  In earlier days even 20-30% completion of this expectation was enough for a marriage to have a happy or least an okay ending but now it has come up to 60-70%. So the faster our generation finds out that their partner doesn’t match to most of their expectations, the quicker they go for a divorce. Then how did most of our earlier generation couples lead a happy married life using the same four principles. It’s because our generation lacked a key quality, a quality which is essential for the four principles to work in sync, that is Patience, needed not in spare but enough.

Love marriage or arranged marriage which is better, which can provide a long happy married life? To get a proper answer a survey on this matter is required; I have seen and heard of many lives that had flourished and many more that perished because of both kinds of marriages. Marriage is a responsibility, a responsibility to keep each other happy, a responsibility that had to be cherished and if even one of the partners is not ready to take this responsibility or can’t keep the other happy other than himself, then it doesn’t matter what kind of marriage he/she is having. I have seen the separation in both marriages, my uncle’s marriage was love marriage and they are enjoying their married life happily for more than 20 years but my closed friend’s love marriage didn’t work out for 3 years even. They are ready for divorce.

Marriage is the most sacred and purest rituals of all, the eternal bond it is said in our great epics, the bonding of two bodies’ into one mind, I wonder whether our generation believes in all this. One thing is evident though in future prolong married couples will become an endangered species and our next generation’s knowledge about such marriages will limit to twentieth century romantic novels.

Emotional Independence….

Few months old relationship breakup on Tuesday night made me think how emotional independence was no less important than being financially self-reliant.

 As usual I was all alone at my rented flat in Delhi, all set to decide which shirt to wear to office the next morning. As I stood before the wards rob, it started making me confused as it was always decided over phone. I was feeling like crying and a few tears were fallen down. So finally I decided to make a call to someone.

I called up my mom but disconnected the phone, thinking it was too late as she might have fallen asleep. A friend called asking if I was fine after that trauma.

 Staying alone for almost ten years now, I thought I was all too brave. But panic struck after I hung up the call. I felt a strange disconnect with the world, none to call and look for strength. Yes, I felt weak. Tears rolling on my cheek, my voice almost choked. I felt I was still dependent on others, betraying my own belief that economic independence freed one from social bondage.

I had been an emotional child of my parents, an impulsive teenager till my college days, but became more and more confident as I started working in 2003. I stayed alone in Delhi for studies since the age of 17, waited for autos at 10 in the night. Facing and killing my fears, I never gave discount to myself on the basis of being an emotional guy.

This was the second time I panicked, last being “intimidated” by a street dog at 11.30 pm some four years ago (at my building’s stairs).Coincidentally, that was also a second floor apartment with an open roof.

 Tuesday night’s loneliness was not of being buried under the debris or harassed by someone or because of high pressure of work  at night but the feeling of being alone (without any friends around).

 This almost questioned my strength as an emotional man living in the city alone. Why was I scared? Why couldn’t I lock the flat and go somewhere out like most other people do? Was I waiting for an external help? Who could have saved me from this heartbroken situation? No one but my inner self could have helped me. But in my fit of emotions, I almost tried to escape the situation and look for support outside. Had I stood there and told myself that I have to take care of my own, I would have been proud of myself. Instead, I took refuge by speaking at home and became normal (on the surface level), not sure if my brother read the pain in my choked voice.

Friends, not even family, can be with you 24×7. And if we choose a life that demands solitude and introspection, we have to be fearless in all situations.

The breakup taught me a “great lesson” only if I could make it a pillar to carve a story of strength for everyone “struggler” wanting to be independent. After all, I am not the only one alone in the city.




I’ve given up….:(:(:(

So this is the end
my rope is cut
all thank I’m not done
for the first time
I am the one who has said i was done
it is not that I do not love you
it’s that i do not love who you have become
and who you have aloud yourself to become
i love the girl that was sweet, honest and kind
the nice girl with a mind of her own
not the girl you have become
a girl that freely does wrong
this is what you have become

I was the one who tried to stop it
but He has aloud it to become
you say He is better
look at what you have done
the day we meet
this is what you didn’t what
this is what you tried not to become
for HIM
you have gone this far
i guess i really am secant place
i cut my line
let you go and i turn around
‘I’ have had enough

My Marriage Encounter….(Funny Experience of my Life)

Well, Just after the breakup when my parents visited Delhi to see me and see my choice, as I have promised them earlier to make them meet her. But any how I was failed to do so and I had no other choice then meeting with their prospects.

 Here is the summary of that meeting…

Date: 22nd September 2012, Saturday, Just after a month of my breakup.
Time: 3:30 pm

My Parents told me early in the morning to stay at home only as few people are visiting my place to see for marriage. I was not sure that the girl will also come along with them.

Yes the arrival of so called ladki waale(girl’s family) from our “Brahman samaaj”(our society), at my place. By the way for your information, they are sitting downstairs and i am making a new funny article.

I was irritated as well as nervous since the time I got to know about this girl, an MBA from BIMTEC and working with an MNC in Delhi.. (yeah i can read that expression) ..is coming to see me along with her family, I had never seen that girl before not even in photo. And stating the obvious, it was a typical mummy’s act where all the sections/clauses were full of emotional attyachaar (torture) to coax one to utter nothing less than a YES. And I did as required, by agreeing to her.

I was anyways nervous; on the top of it my 2-3 idiot friends including my younger brother were teasing me. At the eleventh hour…I was agitated, annoyed, frustrated, angry, tensed… and tried to meet all ends to convince mom to please please postpone this. But mom is mom, The Invincible… then I finally decided that I have to steal the show.

I quickly entered into the character and got ready for this encounter. One nice semi -formal jeans and White shirt and jelly hair plates something similar to the heroes of 80’s the “ Sharif bachha….”

Mom was at the top of the world and brother who recently came back from London was rolling with laughter, fortunately dad was out of home, saved me from further embarrassment. But guess by now I was having fun. I went down and sat on the corner-most sofa with nazare neechie  in my glass and all that crap…and there was a complete silence of 3 minutes.” Beta kahaan aap kaam karte ho” uncle broke the silence. The moment I looked up I had seen this dusky dark, specky girl….with a pug nose and a face cut like “gundha huaa roti ka aata” (over all a fat girl with dark complexion) I could see her tongue falling down to his feet while she was starring me with her wanton eyes.

I spoke to uncle for 5-6 minutes about his work after retirement, decided not to give the girl any importance.. and then ran away before my mom could stop me. My bro was laughing and at the same time was pitting the girl’s family for what’s going to happen next. As by now even mom understood that she made a mistake.

To keep my promise and to accompany mom I went there again and sat at the same place. by now I had quickly changed in my regular jeans , and  T’s, uncombed hair (unkempt look). The girl’s Mom asked beta if you want ask her something then ask. And for the hack of formality started chatting with her. The funny experience of my life is here…

Me:- So what you do?

Girl :- Jantey hain, humne abhi abhi MBA ka ant kiya hai in typical bihari accent (you know I just finished my MBA in Finance ) and while she finished this sentence I was about to laugh loudly if my mom wouldn’t have pinched me.

Me:- Are you working somewhere ?

Girl:- Hum XYZ (would not like to disclose her name or her company name ) company me finance k aka kaam kartey hai..and kal hi mera resigning ho gaya hai…1-2 company me interview diye hain and waha se call karenge hame… (She meant to say she was working as a finance Executive in that company and had resigned yesterday as she has had few good offers)

Me:- In very typical bihari accent , apko movie dekhna pasand hai ( do you like watching movies ?I tried but I couldn’t speak

Girl:- Arey ye to humko bahot acha lagta hai..hum to sare cinema dekhte hain..(I like watching movies and watch movies frequently)

And with these funny conversation I finished my chat by saying thanks to her and looked at my mom, she smiled and asked  “tumhe email-id/ No exchange karna hai?”(Do u want exchange your Mobile No/ Email id’s for further conversation) I quickly said “nahi mom wo to milne se pehle ki baat thi” (no mom, that was before meeting stuff, its fine) gave the girl my final answer.

After another 4 minutes of silence… Aunty(girl’s mom) said…”ab hum chalte hain” …….( Now  we would take leave) and at the same moments my dad arrived…. and I came here to share this unusual experience with u all. Now they r gone…I am bit sad for them but can’t help it. Guess I am not meant for this…and it was required to protect myself from mom’s next step towards my better future….

Btw thanks for ur patience to read this…I had great time writing this.

(After an year i am writing some thing funny..while i am not making fun of any one..neither i mean to hurt any body.)




When you feel like an option….

After writing so many sad poems, i am going to write some thing about life and my experience. These day i was surfing on Google and found a quote of life “Never make someone a priority when to them, you are simply an option.”

While reading this post i couldn’t stop my self from thinking about it. On 18th of august 2012, Saturday i met my best friend/ Girlfriend and enjoyed my day, as i had never before. I was very thankful to god for that day and thought of my future plan. But all of sudden on 21st August we were separated from this relationship, neither it was acceptable to me nor to her. She found me guilty for it, She said i lied to her and she cant be with a liar any more, and this relationship end with high dramas.

I was stumbling along on a project when this one made me do a double-take. I realized that this could have been referring to me. I’ll be the first to admit, I think I put a lot more emphasis on my interactions (friendships or relationships) with others than most people would. It’s because I believe in connecting with others (on various levels) and maintaining friendships. Yes, of course, there are bonds that I truly appreciate beyond what I will ever describe here, but then again, there are people who I consider somewhat “necessary” (for lack of a better word) in my life. Not because they are worthy of keeping as friends, but because of what I have gained by knowing them. I view my unpleasant experiences in life as growing pains and my most cherished learned lessons as beautiful memories. One is not more important than the other. I am who I am because of my interactions with others however big or small, profound or infinitesimal. For one, I can appreciate what love I now have in my life primarily because of all the heartache I’ve felt (because of said interactions).

So although some people are not necessarily a priority, per se, their presence in my life, although brief, has placed a lasting effect on how I feel and think. I am much stronger and wiser, contrary to what some may believe. I don’t think I could have said that 5 years ago. Which to me is growth, by any means. I know I am not the same guy I was then. I’m not even the same guy I was a year ago.

Which brings me back to my interactions with others. In the grand scheme of things, I know I cherish my friendships with others a lot deeper than what they probably feel. Would that necessarily be wrong or a waste of myself? I don’t really know. If I had to base my friendships solely on how others view our connection, I think I’d be wasting my time. You see, I don’t take for granted what has been placed before me. For whatever reason, people have come and gone (in my life) and from those experiences I’ve grown and learned and continue to reflect. I’d like to think I’m a better me (not new and improved, just constantly being refined) with every interaction, and the people I am yet to meet will only benefit from it somehow.

But growth through these relationships is a continuous process. I stumble, I fall, I get scrapes – but I’m back up, dusting myself off and learning where to walk and how fast to run. So whether or not I’m considered an option in someone’s life, I know it’s not always the same case for me.

Is it a curse or a blessing to have this outlook? (to be continued….Raghubar)

P.S. It’s a stinging statement – especially when love’s involved. You may make someone a priority in your life, but deep down you also know, you may very well be just an option to them. Ouch...

Confused Love?

Are you confused over me, dear?
I know you want to be the right girl still
But what to do with the situation like this
When the guy wants you and miss
And the way which means ‘proper’
Can be just a great disappointment to him?
It’s kind of trap I know but
You didn’t know that you find on your way
27 years old businessman anyway who dreamt
About the girl as you are
So, now you see what can be
With the businessman l I use to be still
I’m a bit older now
And much more open for you but
This what I try to do
Doesn’t sound right to you
But from the other hand
How to refuse such a offer?
I know that you don’t know
What to do with me now
My love, but I just have a hope that
You don’t charge me too hard
And that you know I’m, I was and I will be real to you
In everything I say and I’m asking for

I hate you..because i love you…

OUCH! says my mouth
my heart is full of wrath
it’s your decision not mine
is this the ending give me a sign

i gave you all i have
also i gave you my love
but why did you let
my heart to feel the death?

i thought our the answer to my hunger
my hunger to love a person
but what have you done?
you tore my heart apart…

i sacrificed a lot
just to prove you, my love
that you’re the only one i want
to hold my stupid heart

i hate you! i hate you!
i sacrifice all for you
i gave whatever you want
then again you kill me inside

but even you hurt me millions of times
my love for you still goes in rhyme
continue to love you unconditionally
and be with you eternally